I am sitting in the Cougareat (Coug-air-ee-at) on BYU campus, just thinking about how it's been a long time since I blogged. I have like three unfinished series left hanging. Life has been really rough for me this first year home from Montana, with school and work and social and spiritual issues. But things are about to change for the better.
In a moment, I will finish my turkey sandwich and Odwalla, and head to the testing center to take my last final of the semester.
Then I'm going home to pack and move home. (Yes, ten minutes away.)
And I start my full-time job at Coverstar on Friday.
I have a huge collection of books I've wanted to read but haven't had the time.
And the weather is finally warm,
So I will have no excuse not to run and lift every day.
At last, I will live closer to my friends.
And for the rest of the summer I will easily have time, and make time every day to read the scriptures.
I've learned a lot about myself through trials this year, and spent a long time feeling bound down and tired, too busy and too burdened. Without forgetting the lessons of the past, it's time to move on.
Then if you are going to lift every day, you have no excuses for not inviting me. The Lanhams were blessed with gym genes and they have a moral obligation of sharing their knowledge with the ones destituted of those genes. =D